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Guidance, Inspiration and Support

The core of SAS CLUB is our passionate team of leaders, who follow a high set of values and have standards to guide their values, creativity and leadership. Take a look below to learn more about each of our committee leaders.



President AY20/21

"A leader is someone who always tries, no matter what. Someone that is willing to step out of their comfort zone to serve their community. For a true leader does not do it for themselves, but for others."

"Happiness is a choice"



Vice-President AY20/21

"Being a leader means having the humility to be lead by others, having the open mindset to take in new ideas made by others. To have responsibility for the people and take care of them. To coach them while developing and nuturing them, without placing fear but instead with motivation and encouragement within them.  A leader says 'We' instead of 'I'."

"In life, there are many questions and answers & you can never know everything. If you do, then you're doing it wrong."



Vice-President AY20/21

"To me, a leader is someone who does more than just lead. Someone who will never leave anyone behind, someone who is impartial and kind, someone who brings out the best in everyone, someone who has empathy, and is able to step into the shoes of others, seeing things from their perspectives."

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” -pauline kael 



Secretary AY20/21

"Being a leader does not mean that we are better and above everyone else. 
To me, it means that we have to be the ones creating an impact on people, by inspiring them to do greater things.

As a leader, we have to be open-minded to accept different perspectives and opinions; but also to stand in what we believe in, what we believe is the best for the majority.

Not forgetting, we are also the voice for those who are unable to speak up. Being a leader, given that we have the power to make decisions that others cannot make, we should not abuse that fact. 

As leaders, we cannot make a decision which would only cater to our wants. We have to make decisions for the benefit of everyone"

"Be kind, no matter how much they try to put you down."



Secretary AY20/21

"To me, leadership is not about the ability to stand out, but how I stand together with the people I lead. There is no point in leading zero followers, and I think being a leader of one's self plays a crucial role in leaders gaining their following. Not only that, their following turn into future leaders too."

"The greatest fight is the battle of the soul. Be ambitious and put your head in the clouds, yet your feet down to earth."



Head Of Publicity AY20/21

"Being a leader doesn't mean you get to boss around people, but it means you get to bring everyone's value out, open and make them feel the best of what they are. You are given the opportunity to make someone feel a sense of leadership in themselves as well. Leadership is something you earn and it is not something that is given to you, you have to show people you are someone that will bring them along with you for greater things than you leaving them aside and instead use them for your benefits. Be a leader who brings out the best in someone, not the worst of someone."

"Throw me to the wolves, I will return leading the pack"



Assistant Head Of Publicity AY20/21

"What it is to be a leader for me is that you walk by their side, not boss them around. You guide them through the thick and thin, not watch them and shout from afar. As a leader, you care you understand and you guide. Be a leader, not a boss. "

"If you wanna make people dream, you've gotta start by believing in that dream in yourself"



Head Of Logistics AY20/21

"A leader to me is someone who isn't afraid to speak up, to voice their opinions yet also listening to everyone's opinions because everyone is valid. A leader need not be the best of the best, but just be her true self."

"Do what you love, love what you do"



Assistant Head Of Logistics AY20/21

"A leader is one that guides their members, to be able to successfully bring out the best qualities of each member and to allow all members to be able to work together harmoniously."

“Regardless of the challenge and difficulty, just remember to keep calm and work hard.”



Head Of Events AY20/21

"Having a leadership position does not mean everything. Owning one means having to continue the fruit of the labour of the team and help in the building up of the foundation to allow the team to prosper. Being a leader is not having the power for people to obey, it is to allow others to have the power to say. Regardless of hierarchy, every leader deserves to lead the team to the summit of victory."

"Have sincerity in everything you do"



Assistant Head Of Events AY20/21

"Leaders are human too, they make mistakes. The ones who stand out more are those who admit them and change. That's what can earn the respect of team members."

"Aiming to achieve big things doesn't come with no costs. It needs Commitment, Strategy and LOTS of Effort"

Exco - AY2020: Staff
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